Work with me

  • Spinal Energetics

    Spinal Energetics creates alignment, connection and balance through dissipating resistance and tension from old patterns, emotions and beliefs. It is a somatic body practice that uses on body touch and energy transfers in the energy field off body.

  • Spinal Flow

    Spinal Flow releases deep layers of physical, chemical and emotional trauma, stress and blockages from the body. Working within the central nervous system, it helps treats many ailments, illnesses and dis-ease, such as stress, pain, insomnia, and digestive issues, with ease.

  • Access Bars®

    Access Bars® is a hands-on energetic treatment that effectively deletes thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that limit you in life. The benefits are broad! It helps clear away stress, circular thinking, anxiety, PTSD (etc.) and creates space for peace, joy, fun and choice.


Learn Access Bars®

1 Day Training