Spinal Energetic is designed to release tension and unwind trapped stress that has formed in the body and energy field.

When trauma and stories (or life events) are stored in the body, it can create unbalance resulting in illness, pain and duress in the nervous system.

How does it work

Through a light yet powerful intentional touch (and sometimes no touch), the energy transmissions re-connects and realigns the body restoring homeostasis.

Organic movement, psychosomatic flows and sounds are often apparent during the process. They are driven by the individuals energy, intuition and instinct to shift, discover and release what is not serving them.

The technique helps create a stronger and higher connection, cultivating deeper self awareness and improved wellbeing, whereby stored resistance, emotions and stories dissipate with ease.

Spinal Energetics was developed by Chiropractor and Counsellor Dr Sarah Jane. It combines Western and Eastern thought to interact with a persons spine, nervous system and energetic field, activating their innate wisdom to heal themselves. It was inspired by several modalities, Network Chiropractic, Kundalini Activation Process, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Shamanism and Trauma Release, among others.

Spinal Energetics


In person initial - 60 mins. $150

In person regular - 50 mins $120

Online - 45 mins $99